Filippo Inzaghi faces exit as Milan fans spell it out

Former striker has not been able to elevate his team from the sidelines as he once did on the pitch

AC Milan’s coach Filippo Inzaghi looks on during their Italian Serie A 3-1 defeat to Genoa at the San Siro on Tuesday. Photograph: Reuters.

The message was spelled out not with the usual banners and bedsheets but instead with human bodies. On the Curva Sud at San Siro, hundreds of Milan supporters gathered together in tightly choreographed ranks until they resembled five enormous letters stretching out across the second tier. Together they formed the word "BASTA". They were telling the world they'd had enough.

Staying away

Others had voted with their feet by staying away. Although the official attendance figure for Wednesday night’s 3-1 defeat to Genoa – including all season ticket holders – was more than 25,000,

La Repubblica

estimated that there were fewer than 15,000 people present.


We have grown accustomed to seeing San Siro half-empty in recent years, but average crowds this season have still been more than double that size.

It is all a far cry from July, when thousands turned up to see Pippo Inzaghi unveiled as manager at the club’s swanky new Casa Milan headquarters. Back then it was hoped that having such a beloved figure at the helm could restore waning enthusiasm. But nostalgia can only sustain you so long.

Inzaghi has not been able to elevate his team from the sidelines as he once did on the pitch. Nobody would dispute that today’s Milan squad is of a drastically lower calibre than the ones he played in but, with the third-highest wage bill in Serie A, they still ought to be a lot better than this.

The Rossoneri arrived at the Genoa fixture having collected only 43 points from their first 32 games this season. Clarence Seedorf was fired last June after earning 35 from 19 matches.

It was reported after Sunday’s defeat to Udinese that Inzaghi had lost the changing room. If he were to lose his job, it is expected that youth team coach Cristian Brocchi would take over as caretaker manager until the end of the season. Guardian Service