Slovakians lick news hounds into shape

Imagine a utopian Ireland press conference

Imagine a utopian Ireland press conference. The manager enters (smiling) and speaks in detail about aspects of team selection and general preparation before any journalist needs to proffer mundane questions.

The press officer then opens the discussion (with no time limit) to more specific media enquiries.

There follows a detailed Q&A session where every story of the week is broached and in turn addressed in an affable and open manner.

The whole event is devoid of the usual undertone of tension or animosity.


Welcome to the Slovakian briefing in Dublin's Burlington Hotel yesterday. Oh, by the way, the press officer, one Klando Slanco, expertly translated the words of coach Jan Kocian. He even stopped to flip this reporter's tape (oops!) before pressing record and continuing.

Former Blackburn Rovers left back Vratislav Gresko went one better. Gresko answered questions in Slovak before switching to English to repeat the response. Imagine an Ireland player, even one with continental experience, slipping into, say, Italiano.

There is a question about who Kocian will select at centre back. Jan Durica is suspended so either Lubomir Michalik or Maros Klimpl will deputise.

"Lubomir came in from Leeds suffering pains in his back but it is clear that he is absolutely all right. I won't tell you who I will play yet. The players must know first and then the journalists. So, I apologise."

Irish hacks glanced around in mystification. Surely the translation was incorrect - did he just apologise to the media? When Gresko was asked about Ireland players based in Britain, the translator did describe Britain and Ireland as "the islands" but, as he was making life so easy, he was forgiven.

Gresko spent several seasons alongside Damien Duff at Blackburn although it appears he may have picked up the wrong nickname.

"I know Duffy. He is a great player. We played together at Blackburn until he went to Chelsea. He is one of the best left-sided players. If he has space he can decide a game by himself. He is very dangerous."

Some members of the Czech squad went a little crazy after defeat to Germany on Saturday. Kocian would have been forgiving for side stepping such a query about group rivals.

"Concerning the scandal with Czech players I must say I am really sorry for Czech coach Bruckner and the problem he must solve. I admit such a problem could happen anywhere. I only hope it won't happen here."

The main concern for the 48-year-old coach, only in the job since November, is to escape from Dublin with a result - a challenge considering the absence of Jan Durica, Filip Sebo, Miroslav Karhan and Marek Mintel due to injury or suspension.

"We are building a new team. This is probably the youngest in Slovakia's short history. It is a risk to play with a lot of young players however a lot of them have experience on the international fields.

"They play in strong competitions in Germany and around Europe so it is not a setback for us to have to play them tomorrow."

Gavin Cummiskey

Gavin Cummiskey

Gavin Cummiskey is The Irish Times' Soccer Correspondent