The Ulster Senior Football Championship quarter-final between Antrim and Armagh will take place in Corrigan Park on April 12th at 12.30pm.
Following a meeting of the Ulster Council’s CCC on Monday night, it has been confirmed the fixture will now be played at the Belfast venue – bringing an end to the contentious issue over the venue for the clash.
The early throw-in time is to facilitate Armagh supporters wishing to attend the women’s Division One National Football League final at Croke Park between the Orchard County and Kerry later that same day.
The Antrim-Armagh game has been mired in controversy after Ulster GAA decreed Corrigan Park, with a capacity of 4,000, was not big enough to host the provincial quarter-final given Armagh alone had approximately 3,500 season ticket holders.
As a result, and despite Antrim having home advantage, the game was initially fixed for Páirc Esler in Newry.
However, Andy McEntee’s Antrim footballers stated they would not be playing the game anywhere but Corrigan Park and so a standoff developed between the Saffrons and Ulster GAA.
However, provincial council chiefs have now acceded to Antrim’s insistence on having home advantage and refixed the game for Corrigan Park.
“The Ulster GAA Competitions Control Committee (Ulster CCC) at their meeting last night fixed the Ulster Senior Football Championship game between Antrim and Armagh for Corrigan Park, Belfast on Saturday 12th April. The game will have a 12.30pm throw-in time,” stated Ulster GAA.
“At an earlier meeting of the committee, held on 6th March, the game was fixed for Páirc Esler in Newry after Ulster GAA failed to get satisfactory assurances from Antrim in relation to the hosting of the game.
“Since that meeting there has been further dialogue between Ulster GAA and Antrim GAA and at last night’s meeting the Ulster CCC was satisfied with further assurances given by Antrim GAA and agreed to reverse their earlier decision.
“Corrigan Park has a certified capacity of 4,000 people. As ticket demand is likely to heavily outnumber availability, there will be no ticket concessions for this fixture. The early throw-in time will also allow Armagh supporters to attend the Lidl Ladies NFL Division One Final between Armagh and Kerry, which is being played in Croke Park later that day, should they so wish.
“Ulster CCC further re-iterated their desire for work to commence at Casement Park as soon as possible.
“Ulster CCC also last night approved a request from Ulster Ladies Gaelic Football Association to play the Ulster Ladies Football Final between Armagh and Donegal, currently scheduled for 18th May, as a curtain-raiser to the men’s Ulster Senior Football Championship Final, should the same two counties reach the final.
“Should this happen the Ulster SFC Final will be brought forward one day and played on Saturday 10th May. Otherwise, both games will remain on their scheduled dates.”