Brash, indulgent, typical Norman

Attack life. Greg Norman lives life in the fast lane and, as a golfer-course architect-entrepreneur with a string of businesses…

Attack life. Greg Norman lives life in the fast lane and, as a golfer-course architect-entrepreneur with a string of businesses (all successful) in his portfolio, it just had to come: his own web site. And Attack Life is its motto.

This ain't just any old site. Welcome to - not just about golf, but about life. As the Great White Shark himself states in his introduction: "As CEO of a multinational corporation and a member of the PGA Tour, my time is valuable. So is yours. Staying on top of what's on the cutting edge of golf, travel, fitness and all your other interests is time consuming, and neither you nor I have the time to scale the mountain of information available on those subjects."

So it was that Norman somehow found the time to set up and develop his web site which attempts to provide answers and tips to the things in life that the Australian cares about, and assumes that the rest of us do, too.

The site is typical Norman. Some would say brash, some would say arrogant, some would say self-indulgent. It shoots from the hip and Norman encourages surfers to "dive into . . . see if you don't come away with a clearer focus on your active lifestyle."


On setting up the site, Norman insists that his goal was "to bring insightful, practical information delivered in a quick, reliable format." His claim is that anyone visiting the site for just a couple of minutes each day will come away with ideas. Like where to spend your holidays. Advice on how to enhance your lifestyle. Insights on professional golf, "from guys inside the ropes and analysis from the journalists who cover them."

The site is published as an online magazine, divided into five channels - PLAY, LIVE, EXPERIENCE, INDULGE, SIGNATURE - which, basically, are based on elements of the Shark's own life and career.

The Play Channel is where users will find instruction from the professionals who Norman himself professes to listen to.

The Live Channel is about health and fitness. As Norman explains: "I've always been driven to stay in shape, and that drive has intensified in the past few years . . . we recognise that not everyone has the time to spend two hours a day at the gym, but that doesn't mean there aren't simple, effective ways to take better care of yourself."

The Experience Channel also relates to Norman. "When I took most of last year off after shoulder surgery, I learned the value of getting away from it all. Thus the Experience Channel is your guide to unplugging from the daily grind, a virtual destination source for places to go and things to do."

The Indulge Channel is about relaxation. "When the work at the office is finished, it is time for a little fun. That's what the Indulge Channel is for. Read about the newest home electronics on the market, the latest toys for your car or the newest social or style trend you should know about," the Shark tells us.

The Signature Channel gives access to the site's resident experts and special guests. "Get practical advice from the best in a variety of fields," Greg tells us. "Golf instruction from my coach, David Leadbetter. Or travel tips from the captain of my yacht. Whatever the case, you'll be getting exclusive, insightful information from people at the top of their games."

And, coming soon, the site will also offer surfers the chance to purchase a selection of featured products and the opportunity to chat with contributors while in the next few months it is planned to launch the Succeed Channel, "with advice to guide you personally and professionally."

There is also the incentive of a chance to win a trip to Florida for a round of golf with Norman at his home course, the Medalist.

Nobody should be surprised in the least that Norman has ventured down this road. He has a track record of getting things right, and the knack of setting trends. No matter what pie Norman puts his finger in, it tends to come out right: whether it be golf course architect or clothing or manufacturing clubs. So, it shouldn't be any surprise if turns out to be another success story for the Aussie who has developed his likeness into a multi-million dollar industry.

Philip Reid

Philip Reid

Philip Reid is Golf Correspondent of The Irish Times