The Great Place to Work institute's nationwide events for 2016/2017 includes the largest ever number of on-site meetings at its clients' offices. The events offer the HR community an opportunity to exchange views, share thought leadership, learn new practices and tour these workplaces. The on-site visits will address wellbeing, performance, talent attraction and management, and trends in future work. The Irish and US Great Place to Work conferences promise engaging speakers sharing knowledge and insights. A number of public programmes use the Giftwork approach to workplace interaction, which helps managers create better trust and higher performing teams.For details, see
March 10th: On-site at AbbVie, with CollinsMcNicholas, Sligo
April 6th-10th: Great Place to Work US conference, San Diego

April 14th: On-site at Riot Games, Dublin
April 19th-20th: Giftwork manager training course, Dublin
April 21st: High Trust Leadership seminar DIT, Dublin
May 5th: On-site at DHL, Dublin
May 26th: Great Place to Work Ireland conference, Dublin
June 9th: On-site at Marine Institute, Galway
June 17th: On-site at Vodafone, with Laya Healthcare, Dublin
July 7th: On-site at Workday, Dublin
August 25th: Giftwork manager training course, Dublin
September 8th: On-site at Facebook HQ, Dublin
October 14th: On-site at Lidl, Dublin
November 10th: On-site at Dun & Bradstreet, with Mars, Dublin
November 17th: HR research panel discussion, in association with DCU, Dublin
December 1st: Great Place to Work Christmas drinks, Dublin
January 12th, 2017: On-site at Newsweaver, Cork
February 2nd, 2017: On-site at Crédit Agricole, Dublin
All events are open to clients and members of Great Place to Work. To enquire about membership contact