Union leader’s warning on tax cuts

Sir, – I had been missing Jack O'Connor but it was good to see him back in Tuesday's paper – and in what PG Wodehouse would have called mid-season form ("Tax-cuts campaign is a 'con job', Siptu boss warns", October 3rd).

His new big idea is that all available resources should be dedicated to the “laudable project” of housing our people and caring for the young, the elderly and the ill and that we should forget about cutting taxes. Mr O’Connor may well be right, but as he well knows, timing is everything. I don’t think I heard him make this case until most of the available resources had been committed to public-sector pay increases. In short, when Mr O’Connor calls for the commitment of all available resources to worthy ends, he means the resources which are available after his members have been cared for. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 6.