Travel limits and boundaries

Sir, – Keep Ireland Open is extremely concerned that the signalled relaxation of the 5km travel limit on April 5th may not now take place and the effect that such a failure to increase the limit would have on people wishing to exercise in city and suburban parks and forest parks.

Certainly in many areas, particularly in south Dublin and Dún Laoghaire, this limit is counter-productive, in that it compresses people into overcrowded parks with congested paths or onto local pavements, which makes it almost impossible for them to comply with the two-metre social distancing requirement.

This matter must also be seen in the broader context of people’s physical and mental health.

There is evidence that many elderly and vulnerable people are now afraid to leave their homes due to this overcrowding. We wonder who dreamed up this draconian concept in the first place and is there a precedent for this in other countries? – Yours, etc,




Keep Ireland Open,

Dublin 14.