Time to focus on children with disabilities

Sir, – We are a great little country at times. How could anyone forget how we all rallied around the amazing, resilient children who graced the Late Late toy show last year? Yet we always fail to make the connection that disability requires support and funding 365 days a year, not just when it is topical or a useful soundbite for those seeking re-election.

I urge people to speak to the staff and parents on the ground, to the people who have a disability, about the lack of funding and infrastructure, the daily struggle of not being able to leave your home in a wheelchair without meeting at least one car parked on the pavement, the utter lack of suitable toilet facilities forcing parents to change children on dirty floors, the long waiting lists to get vital equipment to help them get any quality of life, the distress at being prevented from accessing public buildings.

The national conversation surrounding disability is long overdue and a breath of fresh air for those of us who have waited a long time for people to wake up to the issue. However, the deficiencies in supports and funding will not go away once a solution has been found for the schools.

Will the conversation continue?


Will these politicians remain strong advocates then? Only time will tell. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 3.