Time to ban export of live animals

Sir, – Article 13 of the Treaty of the Functioning of the European Union stipulates that, as sentient beings, full regard should be paid to animal welfare requirements. Yet the Irish Government continues to allow the live transport of a quarter of a million live animals (mostly cattle) from these shores every year.

They endure horrific conditions on their journeys that last for weeks, crammed inside filthy vessels. They suffer dehydration and a lack of ventilation, with many dying on route.

Moreover, the Covid pandemic has confirmed what virologists have been telling us for years: that the livestock industry (particularly the mass transport of live animals) leaves us vulnerable to zoonotic diseases and further pandemics.

It is high time for Ireland to follow the recent example of New Zealand and ban live exports for our own good, if not for the benefit of the poor animals themselves. – Yours, etc,



