The bells of the Angelus

Sir, – Frank Slowey (August 20th) makes the case for dropping the Angelus from RTÉ radio and television in terms of separation of church and state, distasteful aspects of modern church history and increased secularisation. Granted it is irritating to have the State broadcaster’s news programmes interrupted by peals of bells – and saccharine images on TV – which are meaningful to fewer and fewer of us as time goes by. But it could be insensitive to believers (many of whom are elderly as am I) to drop it abruptly. I would like to make a suggestion. The Angelus as presently broadcast consists of18 peals in sets of six, with a brief pause between each set. Could it be phased out gently by gradually cutting down on the number of peals? By reducing duration over time it would fade away imperceptibly like the smile on the face of the Cheshire cat. This has two advantages. It would gently accustom listeners so that there wouldn’t be a sudden sense of loss. And it would give RTÉ management time to screw their courage to the sticking place and do the right thing. – Yours, etc,


Skerries, Co Dublin.

A chara, – I have been tempted on several occasions to join the debate regarding the Angelus bell on RTÉ radio and television. I also find it to be a great irritation, especially when listening to the car radio. Then today I read of a 44-year-old Chinese Buddhist woman called Meiliana living in Indonesia who complained to the local mosque that the call to prayer was a little too loud. She has been convicted of blasphemy and sentenced to 18 months in prison. It would seem that we have little to complain about – but then as Joxer Daly famously said, “A principle is still a principle”. – Yours, etc,



Stranorlar, Co Donegal.