Taoiseach not a ‘caretaker’ role

Sir, – Fiach Kelly has a useful Q&A in today’s Irish Times, “How is the ceann comhairle elected and when will Varadkar go to the park?” (February 20th). He says, however, that when Leo Varadkar tenders his resignation to the President he will continue as caretaker Taoiseach and his Ministers as caretaker Ministers.

There is no provision in the Constitution or in law for such caretakers.

The resigning Taoiseach continues with full powers, as Leo Varadkar himself noted this week, until a Taoiseach is elected, as do Ministers.

It has been convention since the foundation of the State that outgoing governments do not take new initiatives or major decisions but that is simply convention. In the present case, where it may take a couple of months or more to form a new government, it is quite likely that major decisions will have to be taken, notably on the post-Brexit talks beginning very soon between the EU and UK, talks which are vital to us.


The widespread use of “caretaker” in the print and broadcast media is unhelpful as it may give the impression outside the country that the outgoing Irish Government lacks full powers or is in any way constrained.

It would be helpful if other parties in the Dáil continuing the broad consensus on our Brexit policy made that clear. It would be helpful if the media did so too. – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.