Taking action on climate change

Sir, – Prof Pete Lunn of the ESRI makes it very clear why the recent findings of an opinion poll commissioned by The Irish Times may overestimate the public's resistance to climate action ("We must pay the bill to stop climate change", Opinion & Analysis, October 16th).

Prof Lunn rightly concludes that the survey reduced complex issues to simple binary questions, and that it is now “time to upgrade the climate debate”.

He will find willing allies in many of Ireland’s environmental NGOs, who have been working in this area for many years.

Not only have organisations such as Global Action Plan been making the case that we need to make urgent changes to avoid a world of extreme droughts, violent storms and increasing poverty, but we have also been working to inspire and support people to take the necessary steps.


Climate scientists have been very clear that the changes we need to make are difficult but perfectly achievable and that the benefits of limiting the increase in global temperatures are enormous.

What has been missing to date is effective dissemination of the examples set by many people and organisations who have already transformed their places of work and their homes.

The strategy for change is clear. What is needed now is a sustained effort to help people – including politicians – to do the right thing, by showing them the many positive examples of those who have led the way. – Yours, etc,


Chief Executive,

Global Action

Plan Ireland,

Dublin 9.