Start the Covid-19 booster campaign

Sir, – As I write, tens of thousands of unused Covid-19 vaccines are sitting in fridges across Ireland. Within a matter of weeks, I fear many of these will expire and be discarded as we reach the point where all those willing to be immunised have received two doses.

Meanwhile, it is becoming clear that booster jabs will be needed for vast numbers of patients, in particular the elderly, the immuno-compromised and healthcare workers.

I was somewhat bemused to read a recent letter signed by many of my colleagues (Letters, August 31st). These doctors believe all booster doses should be postponed for two months, except for "vulnerable" patients – a group they fail to clearly define; and priority should be to ensure other, poorer countries receive vaccines more urgently.

Much as I admire their enthusiasm for global natural justice, I would respectfully suggest they should concentrate their immediate efforts on those patients in the country that is paying us all.


I urge the Government to immediately implement a booster programme for all over 70, as well as healthcare workers and the immuno-compromised.

Such swift, decisive action will save many lives in the dark days of winter that lie ahead.

– Yours, etc,



Co Meath.