Sláintecare consultant contract

Sir, – It is not surprising that doctors in specialist training are reluctant to accept a contract that would make the HSE their sole employer (Paul Cullen, "Doctors say they would emigrate rather than sign public-only contract", News, October 12th). This generation of doctors have spent years in an underserved health system with poor working and training conditions. They witnessed the disproportionate 30 per cent new-entrant consultant pay cut that was imposed without recourse or protest from senior colleagues.

The issue is not simply loss of private working practice, but complete distrust that the HSE will deliver on agreed terms. Recall that consultants required a High Court challenge in 2018 to have contract terms fulfilled.

The original Sláintecare contract was presented to doctors as “not for negotiation”. What would make one wish to be at the sole behest of this chaotic organisation? Any promises from the HSE should be treated with the utmost suspicion by doctors. – Yours, etc,





Dublin 6.