The future of cinemas

Sir, – Breda O'Brien is right. "Irish people really love the cinema", but it remains very much up in the air if they will survive in the post-pandemic era, particularly the smaller, independent screen houses ("This is no time to let Irish cinemas die", Opinion & Analysis, October 10th).

In my own county there were, in addition to a number of omniplexes, three independent, privately owned cinemas prior to Covid-19. Sadly one of the independents has already pulled down the shutters for good, and as a cinephile I know the financial and other pressures that they are facing to just survive.

With that in mind would it not be opportune for The Irish Film Board/Screen Ireland, the National Film Archives, the Arts Council and indeed our national broadcaster to put their heads together to not just help these independent cinemas stay open, but grow by bringing the big screen to an audience I rarely see under the amber lights, older and retired persons?

This generation of people is just waiting for someone to package and promote some of the amazing and rich history of films and documentaries that exists in this country and bring them back to the big screen in a way that lovers of that iconic Italian movie Cinema Paradiso will recognise and appreciate.


There is a win-win situation to be had here to get people out of their houses and see something other that second-rate subscription TV. – Yours, etc,



Co Kerry.