Sexism and Olympics

Sir, – I’m finding it increasingly difficult to enjoy this year’s Olympics amid increasing reports of sexism experienced by female athletes.

From the Norwegian women’s beach handball team being fined for wearing shorts instead of bikini bottoms, a move which makes no sense performance-wise as male counterparts are allowed to wear shorts, to Spanish synchronised swimmer Ona Carbonell being told to leave her breastfeeding son at home due to a lack of facilities for athletes who are also parents – it’s hard to believe this is the 2021 Olympic Games we are watching.

These women are athletes at the top of their game and deserve to be treated as such.

Expecting them to compete in outfits they’re uncomfortable with, in turn creating hurdles their male counterparts do not have to face, is undermining their potential before the games even begin.


It’s time for an overhaul before the sexist toxicity completely overshadows one of the three core values the Olympics stands for: respect.

– Yours, etc,


Clontarf, Dublin 3.