Segregated education

Sir, – Separating our children into different schools based on religion means that they never get to know and become friends with those from the other community. This leaves them vulnerable to sectarian stereotyping and fear of the other.

It is undeniable that segregated education has helped maintain the divide in Ireland.

It is not the teaching of religion in schools which is the fundamental problem, it is the separation of our children into what amounts to separate cultures which amplifies the differences and perpetuated division.

I have taught in both Catholic and state schools and found no difference, apart from a few holy statues, between the schools.


Archbishop Diarmuid Martin recently suggested that religion was better taught in the church and home, thus there is no logical reason why all schools in Northern Ireland should not welcome all children from their catchment area irrespective of religious denomination.

If we wish to unite our country and live in peace, we must first unite our people, and for this to happen they must meet, work and play together. – Yours, etc,




Co Armagh.