Salary scale unfair to young teachers

Sir, – Minister for Education Richard Bruton continues his ongoing assertion that the starting rate of pay for a new teacher is a "very competitive salary" ("Salary for new teachers 'very competitive', -says Bruton", February 1st). From the perspective of fairness, integrity and transparency, he needs to clarify his point by saying that "the starting salary for a full-time teacher" is very competitive.

In my experience, very few young teachers get full-time positions for a number of years after qualification and many are teaching in excess of six and seven years and still do not have full hours.

Second, can the Minister please stop mentioning October 2020 as a time when a new teacher’s salary will be “very competitive”?

His reference point is two years and nine months from now, and that projected increase will not pay the rent for newly qualified teachers in the intervening 33 months in such cities as Dublin, Cork, Galway or Limerick. Newly qualified teachers know that buying a house in one of our major cities, or even aspiring to own one, is totally beyond their reach, unless of course the bank of mammy and daddy is well packed.


Finally, could the Minister also disclose the fact that the top of a newly qualified teacher’s salary is €67,025. However, please also mention, in the interest of clarity that it will take them – God willing and with good health – 35 years in their chosen profession to get to the top of their salary scale?

One wonders how many of their classmates from university in different roles who qualify with a degree, and a two-year masters (six years in college normally) at say 25 years of age, will work until they are 60 years of age to get to the top of their salary scale?

The Minster should consider shortening the existing 35-year salary scale rather than trying to encourage retired teachers to come back into the profession. – Yours, etc,


Moycullen, Co Galway.