Reduce the waste in the season of goodwill

Sir, – ’Tis the season to be jolly”, and now more than ever to place the environment at the forefront of our consciousness as the festive season is upon once again. Undoubtedly we are all aware of the impact of climate change on our planet and the urgency to prevent further irreversible destruction. We are fortunate here in Ireland – so far – to have experienced relatively little impact of climate change.

However, we all have a responsibility to take the necessary steps to combat any further destruction of the planet. Climate change is a global concern and, at a local level, I believe we can make a difference. Therefore, as we go about our Christmas shopping, we could all make an effort to reduce waste by keeping in mind four words: refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle. This would benefit our environment immensely with less waste ending up in landfill after the holiday season. Perhaps we could also factor into our budgets the cost of disposing responsibility of all the extra waste created during the festive season by, for example, buying one less item if need be. We are blessed to live in such a beautiful peaceful landscape – clean air, pristine beaches, scenic mountains and lakes, an abundance of wildlife. We are the custodians of the planet and its our duty to protect and preserve it for the future generations. – Yours, etc,




Co Donegal.