Presidential qualities and celebrities

Sir, – The presidency of Ireland should be a role we both cherish and admire. Indeed, the current holder of the office, not least during his visit to Britain, has graced the office with dignity and style.

If there is to be an election, then it should involve people who have made a contribution to our society. I have read comments about so-called celebrities being touted as possible candidates for the position. A person performing a job, whether reading the news or presenting current affairs programmes, is not, in my view, a suitable candidate for the top position in the land.

Any political party touting the use of so-called celebrities as their chosen candidate is simply degrading the office and politics itself.

The last thing the nation needs is a reality television election.


What is it about so-called celebrities that they are deemed to be suitable material for the presidency? If such a thing were to happen then it would degrade and demean the nation.

The office of president has been graced by many good people before Michael D Higgins, including the two previous female holders. Let it be adorned in the future by candidates of a similar stature. – Yours, etc,



Co Galway.