Poland and Belarus border

Sir, – Your editorial notes: "Poland has a right to expect the support, material and political, of its fellow member states in defending its territory" (November 10th).

No sir, it does not have that right. We are talking about people here not weapons. There has not yet been an armed attack on the border of Poland.

However, by failing to give assistance to people in desperate need, by closing off the area to others who would give such assistance and by forcing those migrants back into Belarus and giving them no opportunity to claim asylum, Poland is breaking European and international law. The support already given to Poland by the European Union makes all of us within the EU complicit.

The fact that Belarus has created the whole crisis for political ends does not absolve Poland and the EU from their humanitarian duty.


These migrants should be immediately admitted to Poland, given shelter, food and medical assistance, and the opportunity to apply for asylum. Amnesty International has already condemned the treatment of these people and reminded Poland of its duties under international law.

Then instead of being complicit in a crime, the EU should give Poland every assistance in looking after these people.

– Yours, etc,


Goleen, Co Cork.