Nuclear energy and low-carbon options

Sir, – Since the Citizens’ Assembly, “renewable” energy has become a synonym for sustainable, safe, low-carbon energy, causing a complete negation of discussion of nuclear energy. As a result of this no mention policy, there is little public understanding of the low-carbon, small-plant, nuclear energy option for providing the basic supply when the wind is not blowing, nor the sun shining.

We should not be talking about a comparison between renewables and nuclear; they have different parts to play in an efficient, low-carbon, electricity system.

Wind and solar are not “on demand”; they are irregular and unreliable. Nuclear should take the low-carbon, base-load position to replace high-carbon natural gas.

Even if legal barriers to nuclear were removed, it is unlikely that a working reactor (small modular reactor) could be in place before the early 2030s.


It would be worth the wait if the national policy then included a proportion of nuclear energy, gradually replacing high-carbon natural gas and significantly lowering our carbon emissions. – Yours, etc,



Co Tipperary.