New courthouse for Tralee

Sir, – The most appropriate solution to the Tralee Courthouse situation (“The fight for a modern court complex in Tralee”, November 26th), I suggest would be to demolish the existing courthouse and build a completely new one on the site.

The existing “beautiful” building is obsolete and impractical. It is possibly a “listed” building, but is this to prevail until kingdom come, to the detriment of the town’s development?

A new building on the existing courthouse site would be equally beautiful. It is the best location in the town, being adjacent to all amenities including the railway and bus stations, shops, etc. The Island of Geese site would be free for other use. Apart from demolition, the cost of a newly built courthouse would be similar for both sites.

The views of the local population should be taken into account, and the decision should not be left solely to the Courts Service in Dublin. For example, the plans could include works such as a new pedestrian way to Edward Street, just north of the post office, and the pedestrianisation of the surrounding laneways. Such ideas are unlikely to be considered by the Courts Service alone.


Wakey, wakey Tralee before it is too late!

– Yours, etc,


Milltown, Dublin 6.