‘Local government – set our cities free’

Sir, – The principles underlying your editorial "Local government: set our cities free" (June 9th)were both welcome and timely as we enter into the final 12 months before the 2019 local elections.

However, your proposed solution of referring the matter to another citizens’ assembly would in my view be a serious failure of governance.

The fact is that there is already a profoundly sensible model set out in the Local Government (Mayor and Regional Authority of Dublin) Bill 2010, introduced by then-minister for local government John Gormley, with practical amendments agreed with then-minister for transport Noel Dempsey, that had passed most stages of the Oireachtas before being cynically and opportunistically opposed by Opposition TDs, despite the fact that it was consistent with their own policies. That Bill can simply be resurrected with suitable modifications for our other cities.

However, the reality is that this time next year another set of local elections will have taken place and other cynical and opportunistic national politicians, together with clever but obstructive officials in the Custom House, will have connived to block any real reform. I would dearly love to be wrong. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 4.