Leave a patch for nature in your garden

Sir, – Isn’t it wonderful in spring to hear the birds singing and see butterflies and bees and all the other insects emerge like they do every year at this time. Well then, it’s also worth remembering that wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for the scrubs, long grass and the “weeds”.

Next time you see “unsightly” nettles and docks in your garden, remember that they are great wildlife attractors for caterpillars, butterflies, ladybirds, beetles and spiders and seed-eating birds enjoying their autumn spoils.

Dandelions, daisies, clover and buttercups are essential sources of food for all pollinators. Bees, butterflies, moths, hedgehogs, frogs, toads, newts, creepy-crawlies, dragonflies and birds all need longer grass to thrive.

We need to shift our way of thinking in relation to “weeds”. And given the choice, I think we would all prefer the birds, bees and butterflies over an immaculately mowed and “lifeless” lawn.


Unfortunately, wild meadows are becoming a rare sight these day mainly due to overgrazing and heavy use of pesticides. Think about, for example, the last time you had to clean your windscreen when driving during the summer months? Our natural habitats are dwindling, we all need to do our bit. And the beauty is, all you have to do is nothing – just leave even a small patch in your garden and nature will take its course. – Yours, etc,


