Karen Bradley’s comments on crime

Sir, – Karen Bradley claims that “the fewer than 10 per cent” of killings during the Troubles “that were at the hands of the military and police were not crimes” (“Killings by British soldiers during Troubles were ‘not crimes’, says Bradley” (News, March 6th).

Initially, I assumed that her grotesque remarks were a cynical and callous effort by an ambitious possible successor to Theresa May to appeal to the Conservative party grassroots.

Then, however, I remembered that months after being appointed Northern Ireland secretary, Ms Bradley admitted that, she “didn’t understand things like when elections are fought, for example, in Northern Ireland – people who are nationalists don’t vote for unionist parties and vice versa”.

It seems more likely that her latest ignorant comments are little more than the automatic blanket loyalty most Tory politicians have for the British police and armed forces. – Yours, etc,



Arbour Hill, Dublin 7.

Sir, – It is alarming to see that Karen Bradley has as much contempt for the Geneva Convention as she has for the Belfast Agreement. The idea that a person acting under orders is exempt from legal due process is quite extraordinary. – Yours, etc,


Scarriff, Co Clare.

Sir, – Just when you thought the Tory government could not get worse on Northern Ireland, along comes Secretary of State Karen Bradley to declare the British security forces could not, in effect, commit crimes in the North because they were only following orders. However, as horrible and as stupid that is, maybe she did a favour by publicly letting the cat out of the bag– by saying publicly what the Tory government has always believed: that it has a divine right to do whatever it wishes on the island of Ireland. – Yours, etc,



Irish National Caucus,

Washington DC.

Sir, – Only the very innocent in Ireland would have been surprised at Karen Bradley’s remarks. But she has performed a useful service in confirming that British military is above the law when it comes to the murder of Irish people.

The British military has a long record of crime and atrocity throughout the world as it enforced the empire they served. A hundred years ago in Ireland it burned cities, murdered civilians and perpetrated numerous atrocities.

And yet, there are still people in Ireland who want to commemorate members of this army every November in militaristic ceremonies involving flags, berets, badges, etc, in displays that are deeply offensive to many Irish people.

In the light of Ms Bradley’s remarks perhaps they might consider removing all British militaristic aspects in future November ceremonies. Perhaps our authorities will also ensure that we never again have that grotesque “Tommy” statue in St Stephen’s Green. – Yours, etc,


Rathfarnham, Dublin 16.