Hellfire Club visitor centre

Sir, – Having ambled and rambled up and down mountains and hills in Austria, Germany, Slovakia, Slovenia, et al, I often with joy clambered onto a chair or ski lift to get to the bar or restaurant atop the hill when the knees went in sympathy with the stomach.

The large numbers of families that frequent the mountains in these countries are encouraged to do so because the destination welcomes with open arms, a pint and maybe a lamb cutlet.

The areas are accessible by all with infirmities, managed and kept free of litter, are educational for the young and a joy to visit. No motorbike scramblers in sight or hearing.

Now that the steroid injections are wearing off and the old knees are no longer fit for purpose, the proposed Hellfire Club visitor centre could be my stairway to a heavenly day out, and who knows, maybe those families who spend weekends in the shopping mall might have a new destination. Let us make the hilltops open, accessible and welcoming for everyone. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 24.