Garda lack of response to breath-test query

A chara, – Your report “Pressure mounts for action against gardaí in breath-test scandal”, (Front page, November 2nd), says the chairwoman of the Policing Authority, Josephine Feehily stated that particular focus should be placed on chief superintendents in 14 Garda divisions who declined to investigate the inflated figures in their areas despite a request from Garda management.

I would have thought that the time for “requests” for a report was long gone. Or is this just a polite description for being “ordered” to report.

If they refused a direct order from a superior officer, then is there any reason why they should not be disciplined? A demotion of two or three ranks for 14 senior gardaí might get a response next time and encourage better attention to orders by other ranks. – Is mise,




Co Dublin.