Forestry – a maze of obstacles

Sir, – Much has been said and written recently on the subject of forestry and, in particular, the issues associated with planting and harvesting.

While the efficacy of forestry as an alternative crop or enterprise is promoted by the State and the guardians of the environment, the consummation of the desire is fraught with objections and obstruction.

As a farmer or landowner, you can plough and sow, reap and mow (or not) as it may please you. You can grow a forest of thistles with impunity or let scrub and whins invade fertile pasture.

But woe betide you if you should consider forestry.


Suddenly a plethora of previously dormant bodies emerge with an avid and zealous interest in your plans.

A maze of obstacles will thwart your venture, and your stamina, persistence and comprehension will be put through the severest test.

Unless you have a high tolerance for disfunctionality and the tyranny of tenuous and absurd objections, then stay put. – Yours, etc,



Co Kildare.