FF and the referendum

A chara, – A number of politicians have recently stated that there is a mandate to introduce legislation to allow abortion as a result of the recent referendum. According to the Referendum Commission’s own website the electorate was not being asked to vote on any particular law on regulation of the termination of pregnancy.

As a result of the Yes vote, it is now a matter for the Oireachtas to decide whether to legislate to regulate the termination of pregnancy differently from the way in which it is currently regulated.

That was all that was decided in the referendum.

Niall Collins TD has lambasted his party colleagues as being out of touch as the party went 80/20 against repeal while the electorate went 70/30 in favour.


The No vote in the referendum exceeded the vote of any individual political party in the last general election.

Would Mr Collins inform us at what level of support does the electorate lose the right to have its views represented in the Dáil?

Perhaps Mr Collins and his party leader should pay more attention to the views of the party membership and voters and less to those who wouldn’t touch Fianna Fáil with a bargepole.

I will never vote for any candidate who supports abortion. Many others will do likewise. – Is mise,


Portlaw, Co Waterford.