Democratic values

Sir, – I cannot be sanguine about the prospect of returning to a world ruled by different types of dictatorships (Letter, August 23rd). Democracy, as practised in many modern nations, is indeed often quite imperfect. However, it is a noble aspiration to attempt to achieve a system of government which does not seek to dominate or keep the ruling entity in power indefinitely but rather seeks to give everyone a say in the way in which their country is being run, while implementing internationally accepted human rights, which allow for freedom of expression, freedom of association, and all the other norms of our society here in Ireland.

I do not accept that it is arrogance to hold this system as being superior to more repressive systems such as China, which is coercing Hong Kong and the Uighur people into greater submission. Our democratic freedoms were often hard won and should be cherished and promoted as the best way for independent and free societies. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 4.