Cyclists and the Royal Canal

Sir, – I note in Saturday's Magazine an article on a cycling route along the Royal Canal from Maynooth to Leixlip Celbridge and back to Maynooth ("A pleasant trip back in time", May 27th). This involves cycling along the canal from Carton to Leixlip. The writer suggests that these towpaths should be"promoted as greenways for cyclists". Where, may I ask, are walkers supposed to go? I shudder to think of a family of cyclists silently coming up behind me as I walk quietly listening to the birdsong. Where do I go? I certainly have to get out of their way!

In Maynooth we see teams of cyclists amble along two abreast on the road, with no regard for either pedestrian or motorist, and cycle lanes might as well not be there. Until cyclists have a code of conduct and learn to obey the rules of the road, please keep them off the towpaths. – Yours, etc,




Co Kildare.