Congestion charges and traffic

Sir, – I read with some interest and considerable amusement John FitzGerald's thoughts on congestion charging ("Congestion charges in Dublin may be preferable to traffic restrictions", Business, April 8th). It reminded me of a trip I myself made for a number of years that involved driving between Drumcondra and Dún Laoghaire. The joy that ensued when one got a clear run of green lights between the origin and destination was inestimable. Especially in comparison to the misery tax that Owen Keegan wishes to impose on Dublin's commuting motorists whatever the reason for their journey.

John FitzGerald’s points as to the advantages of congestion charges are well made. Especially if they are implemented with allied modern technology, as he suggests. Perhaps we could start by dropping the tolls on the M50, Port Tunnel and East Link Bridge, which are effectively inverse congestion charges. I would add the suggestion that they be accompanied by an outright ban , or a colossal congestion charge, on SUVs within the canal cordon. Of all the forms of unsustainable travel, SUVs must be the least justifiable. They are also much more dangerous to cyclists and pedestrians. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 4.