China’s stance on Hong Kong is unacceptable

SIr, – This week, China formally adopted new controversial security laws in relation to Hong Kong which have far-reaching implications. In clearly targeting the pro-democracy movement with severe penalties, including possible life sentences, China has torn up the 1984 Sino-British Treaty, which is a legally binding international treaty that established the “one country, two systems”.

The new laws, which will be interpreted by Beijing, will override Hong Kong laws and judicial independence, effectively ending Hong Kong’s autonomy.

Freedom of speech, human rights, and the right to political dissent will be casualties.

Taiwan will be China’s next target if the international community is unable to pressurise China to change course.


Ireland’s voice is particularly important and influential, especially as we are about to take up a seat on the UN Security Council in January 2021.

We have a proud record of defending democracy, human rights, and conflict resolution. Our newly established Government should make its voice heard against China’s totally unacceptable actions. – Yours, etc,


(Former Fine Gael MEP

and European Parliament

Rapporteur for

Hong Kong 1997-2004),

Lisnagry, Co Limerick.