Change and risk

Sir, – I find it incredible that people think it is time for such a dramatic change to how the country is being run. We have had a second economic miracle delivered by shrewd and well thought-out economic planning, tax policies and the attracting of foreign capital delivered by the Department of Finance and semi-State institutions. GDP per capita is among the top in the world, as is the standard of living, and according to Eurostat we have the second-highest minimum wage level in the EU.

The standard of State education and childcare provision are infinitely better than those of our neighbours.

I agree that improvements in the healthcare provision are required and not enough housing has been delivered but capital for funding housing developments can initially be hard to come by in a close-to bankrupt State and completions are now on the rise.

This has been a useful wake-up call for the Government on important healthcare issues but we should keep in mind we don’t have the tax base somewhere like the UK has to fund the health service.


Voters will only be able to blame themselves for their recklessness when the next crisis emerges if they choose the option of short-term give-away inflationary budgets and the punishment of prudence or, more worryingly, the desire to destroy Ireland’s position as a unique location for attracting international business and the talent it requires.

Please don’t ruin the economy before I get back. – Yours, etc,

