An unruly US presidential debate

Sir, – There was an interesting dynamic at play at the initial US presidential debate on Tuesday. Donald Trump is incapable of coherent debate on policy, and recognises that his base appears uninterested in how the social fabric of their country is being torn asunder under his leadership. He was thus free to dispense with any sense of debate protocol and just disrupt the proceedings with constant interruptions, peppered with lies and insults. Joe Biden, to his credit, tried to maintain his composure despite the weak performance of the moderator, but was not able to dwell on policy detail .

That this debacle would be considered in any way acceptable for the most powerful political position on the planet, at a time when real leadership is needed, shows just how low the US political system has sunk.

Mr Trump knows that his re-election is his only way of keeping investigations at arm’s length, so we can expect more disruptive behaviour in the course of the debates. This has also been reflected in his reticence when asked about a smooth transition of power in the event of his defeat, and indeed his continued reluctance to condemn the behaviour of right-wing militias in recent disturbances.

While this behaviour panders to his solid base, it does not help him with undecided voters and those moderate Republicans who voted for him in 2016.


Four years on and those voters will be looking at the consequences of their actions in 2016 and reflecting on where it has left their country.

I hope that they will see sense, recognise Mr Trump for the incompetent bully that he is, and help Mr Biden over the line in the swing states.

In any other election cycle Mr Biden would be seen as a relatively mediocre candidate, but under the circumstances a pivot back to some semblance of normality is urgently needed. – Yours, etc,


