After the lockdown

Sir, – As disheartening as it is to read that we’re likely to experience a strict lockdown until May, I do agree with the decision. A cautious approach is likely the best way to prevent a further spike in cases.

With this in mind, I hope the Government and local councils are prudent enough to recognise the need for more infrastructure.

As we enter summer, people will not be as willing to shelter, and there will likely be an increase in socialising, regardless of Government advice.

I sincerely hope public bodies are using this time to implement solutions. Pedestrianised streets and converting parking spaces to outside terraces are just two examples of how we can control social distancing and allow businesses to operate in a safer environment.


I’ll be very disappointed if, come summer, businesses are once again forced to pay the price for a lack of planning on the part of public bodies. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 6.