A second term for the President?

Sir, – I would like to add my support to Patsy McGarry's advocacy of a second term for President Michael D Higgins (Opinion & Analysis, February 22nd).

Mr Higgins has been an outstanding representative as head of state for our country both at home and abroad. His erudition, oratorical proficiency and his obvious ease in the higher echelons of international diplomacy makes him a unique and distinguished figure who has carried the flag of Ireland with enormous skill.

Mr Higgins performed his tasks during the 1916 centenary commemorations with an even-handed aplomb,recognising all points of view but never deferring to the revisionist begrudgery of some commentators, nor indeed to the possibly overly patriotic aspirations of others. A president has to represent all the people, be cognisant of the fact that he cannot intrude unduly into the realms of the other arms of government, such as the executive or the judiciary, while at the same time forging new ways of looking at problems and putting forth ideas for new solutions and new ways at looking at old situations. He has high marks in all these areas.

It seems to me that Mr Higgins has taken the adventurous and ecumenical outlook of Mary Robinson and Mary McAleese to a higher level still. They were rightfully recognised internationally for their talents. To see Mr Higgins comport himself on the international stage and to hear him discourse with such elan makes one truly proud to be Irish. His outstanding speeches on his tour of Britain and his unique interactions with the queen of England were examples of subtle and skilful diplomacy operating at the maximum level. Mr Higgins is a serious and formidable man. It is impossible to imagine another figure filling his shoes and for that reason he should be wholeheartedly encouraged to go for a second term. Age is no obstacle if one is as energetic as he is and the forthcoming independence centenaries, not the mention the Brexit conundrum, will test both his vitality and his cerebral abilities like never before. If Joe Biden can run for the US presidency at 78, why not Mr. Higgins for a second term. Pope Francis and Queen Elizabeth fulfil their briefs at considerably greater ages. As for the ridiculous argument made by some that he promised only one term, it is of no account whatsoever. His experience in the job, the vastly different circumstances and events that have since transpired make the changing of one’s mind an imperative rather than an impediment. – Yours, etc,





Co Dublin.