Sir, – There’s a long tradition at election time that parties which are sinking in the polls will have a somewhat understated party logo and branding on their posters. However, this has been taken to an almost comical new level by Aodhán Ó Ríordáin TD who is running in the European elections in Dublin as the Labour Party candidate (although you wouldn’t think it from his posters).
The Labour logo on his posters is almost microscopic, and in what is surely a first for an Irish party, the logo of their European party – the Party of European Socialists – is actually larger than their own logo. The overall colour scheme resembles that of the Social Democrats.
When he was selected as a candidate last January, Mr Ó Ríordáin said it was a “huge honour” for him “to carry the Labour banner across Dublin”. It’s a shame, then, that those banners barely have the word “Labour” on them. – Yours, etc,
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Dublin 3.