Hacker who stole nude photos of Jennifer Lawrence jailed

Edward Majerczyk sentenced to nine months in prison for celebrity phishing scheme

Actor Jennifer Lawrence. File photograph: Danny Moloshok/Reuters

A Chicago man has been jailed for nine months for hacking the electronic accounts of 30 celebrities and stealing private information, including nude videos and photos.

Edward Majerczyk was also ordered to pay $5,700 (€4,319) towards counselling services for one undisclosed celebrity victim whose photos were disseminated online.

Majerczyk was accused of orchestrating a phishing scheme which illegally accessed more than 300 email and other online accounts, including those belonging to Oscar-winning actress Jennifer Lawrence.

The 29-year-old pleaded guilty in federal court in Los Angeles last year to felony computer hacking.


He signed a plea agreement for his case to be transferred to Chicago, with both sides agreeing that he should receive a nine-month prison term.

Majerczyk’s attorney said his client was “suffering from depression”.