Court date set for banker accused of raping Irish student

Jason Lee (38) has pleaded not guilty to raping the student in New York two years ago

The trial of a New York banker Jason Lee (above) accused of raping an Irish student will begin on April 8th.

The trial of a New York banker accused of raping an Irish student will begin on April 8th.

Former Goldman Sachs managing director Jason Lee chose to be tried by a New York state judge on charges that he rapedthe student at a rental home in the wealthy Long Island beach community of East Hampton almost two years ago.

Mr Lee (38,) from Manhattan, waived his right to a jury trial during an appearance before New York State Supreme Court Justice Barbara Kahn on Tuesday.

He has pleaded not guilty


His lawyer, Andrew Lankler, did not say why Mr Lee decided against a jury trial.

Prosecutors say the victim, who returned to Ireland after the alleged attack, will give evidence.

They sought the judge’s permission to use evidence during the trial that a friend tried to hire an escort for Lee before the alleged rape occurred.

They also asked to be allowed to show that prior to the assault, Mr Lee tried to kiss a friend of the alleged victim in an upstairs bedroom.

She fought him off and ran away, according to the prosecutors.

“This goes to intent, it shows him trying to get companionship hours before the rape,” assistant district attorney Kim Shalvey told the judge.

“The two prior bad acts contributed to the narrative and background to the rape that occurred.”

The prosecutors also asked the judge to rule on whether Mr Lee's lawyers could question the alleged victim about her Facebook page.

Mr Lankler asked for time to respond to the prosecutors’ requests.

The judge said she would rule before the trial begins.

Mr Lee was arrested and charged with first-degree rape in August 2013 after police went to his rented home and learned a woman had been sexually assaulted inside the residence where several people had gathered, according to an East Hampton police statement.

Additional reporting: Bloomberg