Netanyahu abruptly cancels meeting with German foreign minister

Israeli PM acts after Sigmar Gabriel refuses to call off talks with human rights groups

German foreign minister Sigmar Gabriel speaks with his staff before giving a press conference at a hotel in Jerusalem on Tuesday. Photograph: Thomas Coex/AFP/Getty Images

Israel's prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, has abruptly cancelled a meeting with the visiting German foreign minister, Sigmar Gabriel, in a high-profile diplomatic row over the German minister's plan to meet two Israeli rights groups.

Mr Netanyahu's snub came after the Israeli prime minister issued an ultimatum to Mr Gabriel to cancel meetings with military whistleblower group Breaking the Silence and human rights group B'Tselem.

Mr Gabriel had responded by saying it would be “regrettable” if the meetings were cancelled and indicated his intention to go ahead with them. In comments to the German TV channel ZDF, he said it would be “inconceivable” for the German minister to cancel a meeting with the Israeli leader if the latter chose to meet figures critical of the German government.

“You never get the full picture of any state in the world if you just meet with figures in government ministries,” he told the channel.


A statement from the Israeli prime minister's office said: "Netanyahu's policy is not to meet foreign visitors who, on diplomatic trips to Israel, meet with groups that slander IDF soldiers as war criminals.

"Diplomats are welcome to meet with representatives of civil society but Prime Minister Netanyahu will not meet with those who lend legitimacy to organisations that call for the criminalisation of Israeli soldiers. Our relations with Germany are very important and they will not be affected by this."

The row is unusual in that Israel and Germany generally have excellent diplomatic relations. It comes, however, in the midst of a campaign by Mr Netanyhu’s government to target groups it claims are critical of Israel.

The spat follows Mr Netanyahu's demand to British prime minister Theresa May during an official visit to London that the British government cease funding Breaking the Silence, despite the fact it is not a recipient of direct British aid.

Justifying the Israeli move, an Israeli official said that Mr Netanyahu’s position remained the same. “It’s a choice between Breaking the Silence and the prime minister,” said the official, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was discussing a diplomatic matter.

Such disputes have arisen in the past between visiting foreign officials and Israel's government. In February, Israel reprimanded the Belgian ambassador after the country's prime minister, Charles Michel, met B'Tselem and Breaking the Silence during a visit to Israel.

However, there was no public rebuke from the government when the British foreign minister, Boris Johnson, met anti-settlement NGO Peace Now during a visit in March.

Funding law

Mr Netanyahu and his ministers have become increasingly preoccupied with Breaking the Silence, a group of former Israeli soldiers opposed to the country’s continued occupation of the West Bank.

The group has been the principal target of a new funding law in the Knesset and there have been attempts to ban it from holding events in Israeli schools and public buildings.

Earlier this month, however, t wo former heads of Israel’s Shin Bet domestic intelligence agency publicly defended the group’s right to speak out . Israeli leaders oppose the group’s work, citing the anonymity of the claims and its outreach efforts to foreign audiences.

The news came as Palestinian leaders said on Tuesday that Britain had rejected their request for an apology for the Balfour Declaration, a 1917 letter that helped pave the way for the creation of the state of Israel, and they would pursue international court action unless London backtracked.

The Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, called for the apology in an address to the UN general assembly in September, but Britain plans to hold celebrations along with Israeli officials to mark the November centenary of the declaration. "The answer came in a written letter to the [Palestinian] foreign ministry that the apology is refused," Manuel Hassassian, the Palestinian ambassador to Britain, told Voice of Palestine Radio on Tuesday.

Guardian service