Viktor Orban wants new fence to curb migrants

Hungarian premier warns about Schengen agreement

Slovenian prime minister Miro Cerar (right) with his Hungarian counterpart Viktor Orban during his visit to the country yesterday. Photograph: Jure Makovec/Getty Images

Hungary's prime minister Viktor Orban said a fence should be erected on the Macedonian and Bulgarian borders with Greece to curb the inflow of migrants into Europe.

"If we cannot secure the outer border [of the EU] regardless of how costly or demanding that is, we will destroy the Schengen regime by ourselves," Mr Orban said, referring to Europe's free-travel area. He was speaking during a one-day visit to Slovenia.

Slovenian prime minister Miro Cerar told the same news conference the European Union needed a joint solution within weeks to the migrant crisis to avoid possible conflicts between countries.

“We do not have time until spring to find a solution. We need a solution within weeks . . . if not, we can expect conflicts between countries,” Mr Cerar said.


“The [migrant] situation is entirely out of control and has nothing to do with humanitarianism, integration and help.”

– (Reuters)