Man trapped in German cave rescued after 12 days

Explorer finally brought to the surface after being injured in a rock fall on June 8th

A handout screenshot showing rescue workers bringing injured German, Johann Westhauser out of the Riesending cave near Berchtesgaden, southern Germany. Photograph: EPA
A handout screenshot showing rescue workers bringing injured German, Johann Westhauser out of the Riesending cave near Berchtesgaden, southern Germany. Photograph: EPA

An injured explorer trapped in Germany’s deepest cave system for 12 days was finally brought to the surface today after a complex rescue operation, Bavaria’s mountain rescue service said.

Johann Westhauser, a 52-year old speleologist, injured his head in a rock fall on June 8th and was unable to climb back to the surface on his own as the ascent involved steep shafts and narrow tunnels.

The rescue took so long to complete because the injured man could not stand and the ascent involves steep and narrow horizontal and vertical shafts.

“He left the cave at 11.44 am,” said a rescue service spokesman, adding that medics were looking after him.


Some 70 rescue workers were in the cave to help recover the man while further teams, along with doctors, were waiting above ground, the local mountain rescue service said.

The man was one of the researchers who discovered the Riesending or “massive thing” cave system. Located near Bavaria’s border with Austria, it is 1,148 metres deep and has tunnels, shafts and caves extending over 19.2 kilometres.

It normally takes 12 hours to climb from the site of the accident to the surface.
