Euro is a ‘knife in the ribs’ of French, says Marine Le Pen

Presidential candidate tells Bordeaux rally election could mark ‘change in civilisation’

Marine Le Pen: the National Front leader says she would curb migration, expel all illegal migrants and restrict free education to French citizens. Photogrpah: Caroline Blumberg/EPA

The French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen told a political rally on Sunday that the euro currency, which she wants France to ditch, was like a knife in the ribs of the French people.

The leader of the eurosceptic and anti-immigrant National Front also told the rally, in the city of Bordeaux, that the forthcoming election for president could herald a "change in civilisation".

Encouraged by the unexpected election of Donald Trump in the United States and by Britain's vote to leave the European Union, Le Pen hopes to profit from a similar populist momentum in France, although opinion polls suggest she will lose the May 7th run-off.

“We are at the mercy of a currency adapted to Germany and not to our economy. The euro is mostly a knife stuck in our ribs to make us go where others want us to go,” Le Pen said to cheers and applause.


Reiterating her anti-globalisation and anti-immigration views, she declared: “We do not want France to be open to all commercial and human flows, without protection and borders.”

A government under Le Pen’s presidency would take France out of the euro zone and bring back a national currency, hold a referendum on its EU membership and slap taxes on imports and on companies hiring foreigners.

Le Pen says she would curb migration, expel all illegal migrants and restrict certain rights now available to all residents, including free education, to French citizens.

She hit out at her two main opponents in the French election, the independent centrist Emmanuel Macron and the conservative candidate François Fillon, saying they belonged to "the same system". "The system is panicking because it sees people are waking up," she said.

Opinion polls forecast Le Pen will do well in the first round of the presidential election, on April 23rd, only to lose the run-off to Macron. But the high number of undecided voters means the outcome remains unpredictable, and motivating people to go to the polling stations will be key for the leading candidates. – (Reuters)