Myanmar says it has repatriated first Rohingya family since exodus

Family members said to be vetted by immigration and health officials, and given necessities

A Rohingya refugee carrying a child looks at the full moon at Balukhali refugee camp near Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, late last year. File photograph: Susana Vera/Reuters

Myanmar on Saturday repatriated what it said was the first Rohingya family from nearly 700,000 refugees who had fled to Bangladesh, after months of fraught talks with Dhaka and amid United Nations warnings that the country is not ready for their return.

Fleeing Rohingya refugees have reported killings, rape and arson on a large scale. The United States and UN have described the Myanmar military operation as ethnic cleansing.

Myanmar has denied nearly all allegations, saying it waged a legitimate counter-insurgency operation. The army has said its crackdown was provoked by the attacks of Rohingya militants on more than two dozen police posts and an army base last August.

Myanmar and Bangladesh agreed in January to complete a voluntary repatriation of the refugees in two years. Myanmar set up two reception centres and what it says is a temporary camp near the border in Rakhine to receive the first arrivals.


“Five members of a Muslim family...came to the Taungpyoletwea reception centre in Rakhine state this morning,” the Myanmar government said in a statement late on Saturday.

Scrutinised by officials

The family members were scrutinised by immigration and health ministry officials, and the social welfare, relief and resettlement ministry provided them with “materials such as rice, mosquito netting, blankets, T-shirt, longyis (Burmese sarong) and kitchen utensils”, said the government in the statement.

It added that family members who “are in line with the rules” were issued with national verification cards (NVCs) upon entering Myanmar.

NVCs are part of the government’s ongoing effort to register Rohingya which falls short of offering them citizenship. The card has been widely rejected by Rohingya community leaders, who say they treat life-long residents like new immigrants.

Most Burmese consider the Rohingya as unwanted immigrants from Bangladesh, and the army refers to them as “Bengalis”.

Last week, the most senior UN official to visit Myanmar this year, assistant secretary-general for humanitarian affairs Ursula Mueller, said the conditions in Myanmar were not conducive to the return of the refugees.

She cited a continued lack of access to health services, concerns among the Rohingya about protection, and continued displacements. She described conditions in camps for internally displaced people from previous bouts of violence as “deplorable”.

Several boats with Rohingya people from parts of violence-torn Rakhine state have left Myanmar in recent months. The latest confirmed departure took place on Thursday. – Reuters