Walsh urges vigilance over foot-and-mouth

The Minsiter for Agriculture, Mr Joe Walsh, today warned of the need for continued vigilance in relation to the threat of foot…

The Minsiter for Agriculture, Mr Joe Walsh, today warned of the need for continued vigilance in relation to the threat of foot-and-mouth disease. Mr Walsh’s comments come in the wake of a suspected case in the North Yorkshire.

He said: "The UK alert demonstrates the importance and continuing need to keep in place our enhanced precautionary measures and our movement controls on livestock."

"We simply cannot afford to become complacent. There is far too much at stake and we are not going to forget the lessons learned from last year," he said.

Earlier it was reported that initial tests on a suspected case of foot-and-mouth at the north Yorkshire farm were negative but final results will not be known for 4 days.


Prior to this Britain had been declared free of the foot-and-mouth disease. Last year the outbreak hit 2,030 herds of animals and brought about the slaughter of 3.9 million animals for disease control purposes and a further two million for welfare reasons.

Biosecurity and other enhanced precautionary measures remain in place at ports and airports throughout this State. In addition a 30 day holding period applies to movement of animals after purchase.

The Department of Agriculture says there measures will remain in place.

Eoin Burke-Kennedy

Eoin Burke-Kennedy

Eoin Burke-Kennedy is Economics Correspondent of The Irish Times