Tributes paid to 'humble and caring' former bishop of Galway

Tributes have been paid to the former bishop of Galway, Dr James McLoughlin (76), who died on Friday night at the Galway Clinic…

Tributes have been paid to the former bishop of Galway, Dr James McLoughlin (76), who died on Friday night at the Galway Clinic in Galway city. Dr McLoughlin retired earlier this year, having served as bishop of Galway since the resignation of Dr Eamon Casey.

He was born in April 1929 on Cross Street, Galway, where his parents ran a small wholesale grocery business. He was educated at the Patrician Brothers in the city and at St Mary's College. He was ordained a priest at St Patrick's College, Maynooth, in 1954.

Dr McLoughlin taught at St Mary's for a number of years, where he developed a keen interest in basketball and amateur dramatics, before being appointed diocesan secretary in September 1965.

He served in this position with former bishops Dr Michael Browne and Dr Eamonn Casey, and was appointed parish priest of the Galway cathedral parish in 1983. He assumed responsibility for the diocese on Bishop Casey's sudden resignation in 1992, and was appointed bishop by Pope John Paul in 1993. He had been in ill health since his retirement last July.


Dr McLoughlin's successor, Bishop Martin Drennan, spoke at the weekend of his contribution to the church and the diocese, and of his humanity.

"He had a great knowledge of the diocese, of the city and of the people," Dr Drennan said, and he had found him to be an invaluable support.

"He was a very gentle adviser, never interfering, giving solid, sound wisdom on all occasions. I appreciated it hugely, coming in as a stranger," Dr Drennan added. He described his predecessor as a very humble and caring man, very involved in dramatic activities during his time at St Mary's College and very kind to the sick. "He will be very badly missed," he said.

Rev Patrick Towers, rector of Galway and the provost of Tuam, said Dr McLoughlin had reached out the hand of friendship to him on his arrival in the city. "His toleration for my own eccentricities was superb," he said, and he had always shown great friendship and hospitality.

Dr McLoughlin's body will be brought to Galway Cathedral at 7pm this evening.

Funeral mass will be at 1pm on Wednesday and he will be laid to rest afterwards in the cathedral crypt.

Bishop McLoughlin is survived by his two brothers, Fr Aidan and Dermot, by his sister-in-law, Joan, nieces and a nephew.

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins is the former western and marine correspondent of The Irish Times