Temperatures to stay low but dry weather predicted

900 homes in Northern Ireland still without electricity

The wind turbine which was blown over near Ardara, Co. Donegal, at the weekend.

Temperatures will stay low this week but conditions will be dry, Met Éireann has said. Average temperatures will be around three degrees, though the wind chill effect will bring it down to below zero, highly abnormal for this time of year.

Northern parts of Ireland are still the worst affected with wind and snow affecting commuters and efforts to repair damaged electricity connections. A wind turbine near Ardara, Co Donegal, fell down during the bad weather.

Around 900 homes are still without electricity mainly in rural and exposed areas where repair teams and having difficulties accessing affect spots, Northern Ireland Electricity said. The areas include the Ballyvoy area of Ballycastle, areas around Ligoneill, Hannahstown, Stoneyford, Dundrod and Mallusk, Ballyward, Castlewellan and Newcastle, Broughshane, rural areas north of Carrickfergus and Crumlin. Over 140,000 homes were affected by the weather since last Thursday, Northern Ireland Electricity added.

On Saturday 35,000 homes were without electricity in Northern Ireland and by yesterday the number affected was down to 7,000. Up to 1,000 homes were without water but Northern Ireland Water said that by yesterday supply was restored to most customers.


Electricity repair crews were assisted by personnel from the Republic and Scotland as they battled through heavy snow and winds to carry out repairs.

Several agencies such as the PSNI, the ambulance and fire services, mountain rescue, local councils, health providers, the Red Cross, RAF and volunteers were involved in assisting vulnerable people who were isolated by the heavy snow. The RAF sent a Sea King helicopter from Wales with a military mountain rescue team on board to assist rescue operations.

Teagasc urged farmers who were having difficulties in feeding animals indoors to contact them. Banks may also be willing to offer short-term loans,it added.

The southwest of the country is getting the highest temperatures with six degrees predicted today for parts of Munster.

Last Easter temperatures reached up to 20 degrees. The average temperature over gauged over a 30-year period for March was 7 degrees, according to Met Éireann.