Tall Ships worth €7m in city publicity

WATERFORD’S SUCCESS in hosting the Tall Ships Races 2011 generated more than €7 million worth of publicity for the city, according…

WATERFORD’S SUCCESS in hosting the Tall Ships Races 2011 generated more than €7 million worth of publicity for the city, according to an independent analysis carried out by media consultants hired by Waterford City Council.

Kantar Media found the four-day event, which attracted an estimated 500,000 visitors to the city, generated almost a million square centimetres of newspaper and magazine coverage, worth more than €5 million, and 29 hours of broadcast coverage, worth €2.58 million.

The event’s marketing team chairman, Stephen Kent, said the data compiled by Kantar Media reflected what had been achieved through an ambitious and energetic public relations campaign over an 18-month period.

“The wide spread of favourable media coverage achieved is an important part of the legacy to Waterford of hosting the Tall Ships Races and has definitely helped raise awareness of the city as a destination,” said Mr Kent.


In addition to Irish coverage, the event was also covered by media personnel from the UK, Sweden, the US, Australia, Germany, India, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Canada and France, all of which was hugely beneficial to Waterford’s image abroad, he said.

The event is also the subject of an economic impact study being undertaken by the school of business at Waterford Institute of Technology.

This has yet to be finalised but it is estimated the event generated over €30 million of economic activity in Waterford.

Barry Roche

Barry Roche

Barry Roche is Southern Correspondent of The Irish Times